It’s popular because people are banking on the affiliation with Sony the founders have and it is set to be used later this year in Sony computers. I see a quick pump to the 0.06 range in the next couple days, I wouldn’t count on seeing Jasmy over 0.10 until the end of March.

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Anthony, I am with you! I doubled down on the Jas after reading a bunch of the details you mentioned regarding Sony and the potential of utility. I'm puckered up after this drop yesterday... just trying to remember "The people who can't stomach the 20-30% swings don't deserve the 100% plus gains that come with it"

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If it was easy everyone would do it! I tell everyone gettin into any crypto this isn’t the same as stocks, you better be able to stomach some wild swings!!!! In the end it will be worth it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m buying and selling but I keep track of this one closely as I think it will fly in this third phase of development.

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Fingers crossed

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