I appreciate everything you do and the conversations in this group, crypto is no different from stocks, it’s a risk. I believe these risk are worth the reward and have a lot of room to grow. Did the feds just create the bounce back announcing what they just did?
Have no clue. Just noticed that myself. Actually, it was going to be my next swap. But I never did get that 20%+ kick from any of my 9 holdings. Damn, that sucks!
I appreciate everything you do and the conversations in this group, crypto is no different from stocks, it’s a risk. I believe these risk are worth the reward and have a lot of room to grow. Did the feds just create the bounce back announcing what they just did?
It's a very good question Anthony. I really want to dig into this topic a bit deeper to find out what might actually be taking place here.
I forgot to ask, WTH is going on with SUKU, it does not seem to be a pump and dump it’s been climbing for 24 hours. Did I miss some news?
Have no clue. Just noticed that myself. Actually, it was going to be my next swap. But I never did get that 20%+ kick from any of my 9 holdings. Damn, that sucks!